Getting Started

Interested in joining the Department Of Public Safety for SADPS? Here is how you can get started.

  1. Make sure you meet all of the Department Requirements.

  2. Submit an application through the the #departmnet-of-public-safety channel in the main discord server.

  3. If your application gets accepted and your are between the ages of 14-15 Years old you will be given a test that you must complete with a 70% or higher.

  4. If your application gets accepted and your are above the age of 16 the recruitment team will contact you via Direct Messages regarding your interview.

  5. If you pass your interview you will then go on to a short in game training to get you started in the field of Law Enforcement Role-Play. Depending on your performance during the in game training you may be required to participate in a ride along with an FTO of this Department.

All Applications are reviewed at the discretion of the department recruitment team, there is no set time in place for how long it will take to review your application. Asking about your application will automatically void your application and you will have to reapply in 2 weeks.

SADPS Department Of Public Safety Discord:


  • Can you reapply if your application gets denied? Yes, we allow you to reapply 2 weeks after your application gets denied.

  • Are there exceptions to the age requirement? No, you must be at least 14 years old at the time of submitting your application.

Last updated