Air Operations

Air Operations for the Department Of Public Safety.


The primary mission of Air Operations is traffic enforcement, with the majority of the hours flown annually dedicated to enforcing San Andreas's motor vehicle laws. However, pilots with the Department Of Public Safety Air Operations are called upon to assist with many other diverse duties. To assist in in those duties, the Air Operations currently has 3 aircraft equipped with thermal imaging equipment, commonly called FLIR. The FLIR equipment allows the pilot and FLIR operator to search for missing persons, fugitives, and provide specialized surveillance in day or night conditions.

Additional missions performed by Department Of Public Safety Pilots are:

  • Providing support to Local, State and Federal law enforcement partners in criminal investigations.

  • Searches for lost/missing persons and fugitives; both visual and using thermal imaging (FLIR) equipment.

  • Traffic control at major sporting venues.

  • Dignitary protection.

  • Emergency relay.

  • Photography missions.

  • DNR hunting flights.

  • Passenger and supply transports.


The Air Operations bureau within the Department Of Public Safety is actively recruiting pilots.

Submit an application through the following link:


  • Must be an appointed Trooper with the Department Of Public Safety for at least 2 weeks before submitting an application.

  • Must have prior in game experience with the operation of an aircraft.

  • Cannot have any department disciplinary actions issued against you.


The Department Of Public Safety Air Operations is based out of Los Santos International Airport and Sandy Shores Regional Airfield with the ability to temporary utilize Heli pads at Davis Sheriff's Station, Mission Row Police Station, Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office, Vespucci Police Station, and Vinewood Police Station.

Helicopter Air Operations for the Department Of Public Safety goes by the call sign of "Star [Number]".

FAA Callout Guide

[Callsign] at Helipad # at [Airfield] taking off

[Callsign] departing [Airfield] to the [N/E/S/W]

[Callsign] approaching [Airfield] from the [N/E/S/W]

[Callsign] landing at helipad # at [Airfield]

Visual Flight Rules [VFR]

Under VFR rules, pilots can be operating their aircraft anytime unless under the following conditions:

  1. If visibility less than 1 nautical mile.

  2. Foggy or hazy conditions.

  3. If heavy precipitation occurs with or without hail or freezing rain.

Instrument Flight Rules [IFR]

Under IFR rules, pilots can operate their aircraft under any conditions unless:

  1. Winds exceed aircraft limitations.

  2. Hazardous conditions are deemed too dangerous from the pilot.

Minimum Safe Altitudes

  1. Anywhere – An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.

  2. Over congested areas – Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open-air assembly of persons, an altitude of 200 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 400 feet of the aircraft.

  3. Over other than congested areas – An altitude of 150 feet above the surface except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In that case, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 150 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure

Office of Air Operations

Chief Helicopter Pilot

Responsible for establishing pilot eligibility list, conducting, coordinating, and overseeing initial and recurrent pilot training, and annual pilot evaluations. Maintenance of pilot database to ensure that all pilots meet both FAA and departmental currency and medical requirements. Assessing operational issues, requests for aircraft modifications, and developing specifications for and acquiring aircraft and specialized equipment. Responsible for matters relating to rescue operations, and necessary training programs. Coordinates and conducts investigation of departmental aircraft accidents, incidents, or occurrences.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator

Acts as a liaison between the Department and Emergency Medical Services Authority. Assists Commanders and aerial supervisors with the management of paramedic services and placement of personnel into EMT-P training courses. Manages the Department's advanced life support services (ALS) within the Air Operations Program, Protective Services Divisions, and the Academy. Maintains database of EMT-P files to include licensing, certification, accreditation, training, and patient contact information. Meets with state and local EMS officials to monitor compliance with regulations and coordinates quality improvement programs with ALS units.

Helicopter Maintenance Coordinator

Responsible for the oversight of the helicopter maintenance program. Coordinates with the Chief Helicopter Pilot to develop maintenance specific training for helicopter pilots. Ensures that all maintenance performed on departmental aircraft complies with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines.

Safety Coordinator

Safety coordinator assumes responsibility for all matters relating to safety within the Air Operations Program. Responsibilities include managing and coordinating the program's Safety Management System, conducting routine safety audits, attending air unit safety training and participating in the investigation of departmental mishaps.

Chief Flight Officer Coordinator

Chief flight officer assumes responsibility for all matters relating to flight officers within the Air Operations Program. Responsibilities include the implementation and oversight of the Department's Flight Officer Program, Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) Program, External Load Program, Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEED), and required crew member training.

Accreditation Program Manager

Responsible for the accreditation of the Air Operations Program through the Airborne Law Enforcement Association (ALEA). Responsibilities include working closely with the Safety Coordinator providing regular communication between air units and management to ensure air operations policy is in compliance with accreditation standards.


  • Mask / Facial Hair - #122

  • Hands / Upper Body - #153 (Variation 2)

  • Legs / Pants - #39 (Variation 3)

  • Bags /Parachutes - #47

  • Shoes - #26

  • Neck / Scarfs - #9

  • Shirt / Accessory - #107

  • Body Armor / Accessory - #1

  • Badges / Logos - #62

  • Shirt Overlay / Jackets - #66 (Variation 3)

  • Hats / Helmets - #76

Bureau Administration

Chief Flight Officer Coordinator - Ghosty

Last updated